Where We Focus


Live Your Brand.

Everyday, in every interaction, people experience your personal brand. What do you stand for? Are you keeping your brand promise? Is your brand consistent? Learn how to cultivate your best brand and embody it through your actions. How does your brand align with the company brand? Is your company Living its brand?


Courageous Communication.

This is the heart of everything. Take your communication from the transactional level to a transformational level. How individuals, teams and organizations choose to listen, engage and co-navigate the critical actions of the company will either strengthen and launch their success or create a downward spiral. Cultivate the courage skill set to be radically self-aware AND fully confident stepping into high-conflict, high-risk, high-emotion situations.

Use What Drives You.

You have a unique combination of values, beliefs and purpose that shape what will be successful and powerful for you. Bring these into sharp focus to act as your daily compass. How can you use your “drivers” to benefit the organization?


Connect, Engage, Launch.

Let’s talk about your organization. Where are the critical points of connection? How do you motivate, encourage innovation, and develop talent? When do you step out of the way for others to lead and succeed?

How do you create and sustain the culture necessary for success?

Create a blueprint to address these critical areas.

Conquer Inner Saboteurs.

Inner saboteurs send messages that inhibit your growth and success. They create actions that oppose your true goals. Learn how to spot them and activate new behaviors that support your highest potential.


Spheres of Influence.

Understand the difference between power and influence. Understand the various styles of influence and how they align with your core. Where do you need to create change? How will you contribute to a larger purpose? Decide where to create and expand your spheres of influence in your organization, community and beyond.

What influence do you want your organization to have? Design the plan to execute your vision.

Build Your Own Bridges

Taking on a new position, new organizational demands or tackling rapid workplace change requires a reinvention of self. Define and develop new skills, new ways of thinking, doing and being to accomplish that reinvention.


High Impact Interactions.

What you do and How you do it can create the movement you desire OR an undertow to drown your best plans. Create Power Skills that will carry you though the challenges of today into the future. Power Skills include; Curiosity, Connection, Agility, Accountability, Resourcefulness, Collaboration, Inspiration, Transparency, Authenticity, Inclusion and Compassion.

How We Work.

First, we start with a discovery session. We will clarify what you wish to accomplish and define the scope of engagement. Based on your needs we can provide; Individual sessions, Team sessions, Group Facilitation, Assessments, Consultation and Training. We will develop a plan outlining the level of engagement, frequency and duration of interactions, goals and fee structure commensurate with the project.

Start a new adventure now.